The Board of Directors of RISLI and the RISLI Panel are pleased to announce that Margaret O’Connor has been appointed Manager of the Register of Irish Sign Language Interpreters (RISLI). Margaret has a background in human rights, having completed an Mphil in Ethnic and Racial Studies from Trinity College Dublin. She has been working with the Deaf Community for the last 10 years, first as Access Officer in Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) and then as the SLIS Quality Development Officer. As Quality Development Officer, Margaret researched and developed the national registration and quality assurance scheme for Irish Sign Language interpreters.
Contact details:
Email: margaret.oconnor@risli.ie
Mobile: 086 138 0180
Update on RISLI
For the last few months, RISLI has been busy establishing itself as an independent company, separate from SLIS. The work of RISLI is overseen by 9 Panel members:
Anna-Lena Nilsson
Anne Coogan
Ali Stewart
Bernadette Ferguson
Brendan O’Dea (Chair)
Eamon Power
Kevin Stanley
Lorraine Leeson
Teresa Lynch
RISLI is developing a new website, which will include a searchable database for the interpreter directory and a password protected members’ area for interpreters. Shortly, RISLI will be tendering for the translation of the website content into Irish Sign Language. Also, we are in the process of recruiting an administrator who will manage the social media and promotion of RISLI.
Keep an eye on our social media accounts for updates.