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Who we are

The Regulatory Centre for Irish Sign Language Interpreters Ireland CLGwas established in December 2020 to maintain the register of Irish Sign Language Interpreters. The registration system is referenced in the 2017 Irish Sign Language Act (referred to as an ‘accreditation scheme’).

This company operates under the business name of RISLI. A Board of Directors and Registration Panel assume the role of decision maker in relation to the Register.

Board of Directors 

Registration Panel

Panel MemberCategory
Anna-Lena NilssonMember with international experience of sign language interpreting register
Anne CooganMember of the Deaf community
Ali StewartProfessional interpreting representative
Bernadette FergusonRegistered Irish Sign Language Interpreter
Brendan O’Dea (Panel Chair)External registration panel member Email: 
Eamon PowerMember with legal expertise
Kevin StanleyMember of the Deaf community
Lorraine LeesonAcademic expert in interpreting or Deaf studies
Teresa LynchMember of the Deaf community
Shane McCarthyPublic body representative
Tori RawRepresentative with experience regulating a profession 

The structure of the Panel, committees, and Secretariat involved with the Registration System are set out as follows:

A Registration Panel of up to 11 individuals, serve in a voluntary capacity to maintain the Register. Membership was through an open invitation and members have been appointed in December 2020.  Membership of the panel is assembled as follows:

  1. three Deaf experts in interpreting and the Deaf Community;
  2. one registered Irish Sign Language interpreter;
  3. one academic expert in interpreting or Deaf studies;
  4. one professional interpreting representative;
  5. one public body representative;
  6. three members with experience of contributing to an established professional regulatory body, which may include one member with international experience regarding sign language interpreting registration or accreditation schemes; and
  7. one member with legal expertise

Complaints Subcommittee (of three people) will be convened from the membership of the Registration Panel as required. Where there are not sufficient members available, or conflicts of interest may arise, external nominees can be appointed. The Complaints Subcommittee role is to investigate complaints as set out in the  Complaints Policy.

An Appeals Panel (of three people) to include a nominated appeals chairperson from the membership of the panel will be established to consider appeals to decisions of the Complaints Subcommittee in cases relating to alleged breaches of the code of conduct or in respect of decisions in respect of an applicant’s registration.

Panel of Assessors will be procured by the Registration Panel to set out practical and knowledge-based assessments of interpreters to assess qualifications, and/or to carry out audits of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) as defined in the CPD & Mentoring Policy.

Secretariat to the register will be provided by the staff members of RISLI.

Staff Members 


Margaret O’Connor



Lindy Kinsella


Mobile: 0860840759

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