CPD and Mentoring Policy
Section 1: CPD Definition and Categories
1.4 Deaf Community Engagement (DCE)
2.1 Requirements for ISL / English Interpreters (not Deaf)
2.2 Requirements for ISL / English Interpreters (Deaf)
2.3 Requirements for Specialisation Panel members
Section 3: CPD Portfolio and Evidencing of CPD
Section 4: Information and Resources
Section 7: CPD Exemptions Policy
Appendix 1: Personal Learning Plan (PLP) Template
Appendix 3: CPD Reflective Journal entry Template
Appendix 4: List of Deaf Community Groups and Organisations
Section 1: CPD Definition and Categories
1.1 Definition of CPD
1.1.1 For the purposes of the Register of Irish Sign Language Interpreters (RISLI), Continuous Professional Development (CPD) consists of any formal professional learning activity, formal or informal reflective self-development activity, or involvement in the Deaf community, which directly contributes to a registrant’s professional development as an interpreter.
1.1.2 CPD does not include:
a) interpreting assignments
b) preparation for interpreting assignments
c) voluntary or pro bono[1] interpreting work
d) any formal professional learning activity, reflective self-development activity, or Deaf community involvement which does not contribute to your professional development as an interpreter.
1.1.3 CPD is divided into three categories:
a) structured CPD
b) unstructured CPD
c) Deaf Community Engagement (DCE)
1.1.4 A CPD Cycle is a period of one year counting from the date of a registrant’s registration (or date of renewal).
1.2 Structured CPD
1.2.1 Structured CPD is defined as professional development activities with clearly stated learning outcomes which take place in formal learning settings.
1.2.2 Examples of Structured CPD include:
a) attending CPD events intended for interpreters, e.g. a training course, workshop, or conference
b) attending CPD events relevant to professional interpreting, e.g. training course, workshop, or conference on a related topic
c) achieving an accredited qualification relevant to your interpreting practice
d) being formally mentored by, or supervised by, an experienced interpreter or interpreter mentor
e) attending pre-recorded or live interpreting online seminars or webinars (with formal registration in advance)
1.2.3 For any Structured CPD event attended, registrants must obtain and submit evidence of attendance. Evidence of attendance must specify the number of hours spent at the event or activity, and can consist of one or more of the following:
a) attendance certificates
b) copy of qualification(s) achieved
c) signature of event organiser or trainer on registrant’s CPD Log
d) other documentary evidence of attendance at the event
1.2.4 Evidence of attendance should be carefully retained by the registrant, in the event they are required for a CPD Check.
1.2.5 Travel time cannot be counted towards Structured CPD Hours.
1.2.6 Writing or doing an ISL Video Reflective Journal for a Structured CPD event is optional, and can count towards a maximum of 0.5 extra CPD Hours, additional to the CPD Hours given for attending the event.
1.2.7 Structured CPD activities can be completed in topics which are relevant to the business, as well as the practice, of interpreting, e.g. ‘Start your Own Business’ courses, bookkeeping for self-employed professionals, website design, etc. These kinds of activities should be cleared with the Secretariat to check if they can be counted as Structure CPD hours, before being carried out.
1.2.8 Structured CPD hours cannot be claimed for working as an interpreter at CPD events for interpreters. CPD hours must be earned as attendees of CPD events, not as interpreters working at these events.
1.3 Unstructured CPD
1.3.1 Unstructured CPD is defined as reflective activities or practices which assist practitioners, and contribute to their professional development.
1.3.2 Examples of Unstructured CPD include:
a) shadowing or observing other professional interpreters at work, with a subsequent debriefing session
b) attending formal meetings related to the interpreting profession and practice
c) attending planned informal meetings of interpreters to discuss practice
d) receiving and reflecting on feedback from clients
e) receiving informal mentoring or supervision, including informal/ non-facilitated peer group supervision
f) private study – e.g. reading articles, books, journals, reports, research and seminar papers, or watching interpreting-related YouTube or Vimeo presentations
g) involvement with development and delivery of relevant training courses or Structured CPD opportunities
h) involvement in a committee, sub-committee or other group within an association, or other activities that helps develop the profession
1.3.3 For any Unstructured CPD activity carried out, registrants must evidence the activity by writing or ISL Video Reflective Journal entry, or a similarly structured piece of reflective writing in English or video in Irish Sign Language. Unstructured CPD Hours not accompanied by a corresponding Reflective Journal entry cannot count towards Unstructured CPD Hours requirements. A template for Reflective Journal entries is given in Appendix 3.
1.3.4 Reflective Journal entries should be retained carefully by the registrant, in the event they are required for a CPD Check.
1.3.5 Travel time cannot be counted towards Unstructured CPD Hours.
1.4 Deaf Community Engagement (DCE)
1.4.1 Deaf Community Engagement is defined as attendance at Deaf community events and activities for the purposes of maintaining and improving Irish Sign Language receptive and productive skills and broadening knowledge and familiarity with Irish Deaf culture, history and politics.
1.4.2 Examples of Deaf Community Engagement include:
a) attending Deaf theatrical / musical performances
b) attending Deaf community group social events
c) attending public Deaf-related presentation, lecture or events
d) participation in Deaf leisure or sports events or team training
e) attending Deaf religious events
f) trips / weekends away or abroad with a Deaf group
g) volunteering in fundraising or charity events with a Deaf group
h) social meetings with local Deaf people
1.4.3 For any Deaf Community Engagement (DCE) activity attended, registrants must evidence the activity by recording a brief video in ISL known as a DCE Video Diary. DCE Hours not accompanied by a corresponding DCE Video Diary cannot count towards DCE Hours requirements.
1.4.4 In a DCE Video Diary, the interpreter, in ISL, describes:
a) the setting where the event took place (community centre, pub, café, etc.)
b) a brief description of the event, numbers of people present, etc.
c) a brief description of the interpreter’s interactions e.g. if they were in a group conversation
d) any new vocabulary they learned, any variation of ISL you have seen used, grammatical information etc.
A video duration in the region of 3 to 5 minutes is sufficient for each Video Diary entry. Registrants should be mindful of confidentiality when recording and must not identify individuals by name. The video should be recorded somewhere away from the event itself, and for reasons of privacy, should not show any other participants in the event.
1.4.5 DCE Video Diaries should be retained carefully by the registrant, in the event they are required for a CPD Check.
1.4.5 Registrants can count any one Deaf community event towards their DCE requirements, to a maximum of 2 hours. Registrants with a DCE CPD Hours requirement of greater than 2 hours (i.e. registrants in their CPD Cycle 2 and beyond) must therefore attend more than one Deaf community event to satisfy the requirement.
1.4.6 Travel time cannot be counted towards DCE Hours.
1.4.7 Registrants are encouraged to interact with Deaf attendees at such events, and use ISL at all times. Registrants can attend events and activities alongside other interpreters and interpreting students, though it is recommended that their interactions at such events with each other should be in ISL. Registrants are encouraged to vary the events and activities within the Deaf community which they attend. See Appendix 4 for a comprehensive list of activities and Deaf organisations providing such activities.
Section 2: CPD Hours
2.1 Requirements for ISL / English Interpreters (not Deaf)
2.1.1 Within each CPD Cycle, registrants must complete and evidence minimum levels of CPD across the three categories of CPD. The current system of CPD requirements for registrants (other than Deaf interpreters – see Section 2.2), and the minimum proportions of CPD in each category are given below. The fourth category labelled ‘Registrant’s Choice’ indicates that once minimum requirements are met in the other three categories, registrants are free to select which category of CPD they wish to meet requirements for the remainder of their yearly CPD.
Structured CPD, minimum | Half |
Unstructured CPD, minimum | One- sixth |
Deaf Community Engagement, minimum | One- sixth |
Registrant’s Choice (any of the above) | One- sixth |
2.1.2 CPD requirements will increase for registrants on a phased basis for the first three years of their registration. The total number of CPD Hours will increase as the registrant completes ‘CPD Cycles’ (i.e. periods of 12months measured from the date of their initial registration). The total amount of hours of CPD that must be carried out by registrants is given below. The minimum hours for CPD types are indicated alongside total hours.
Phasing | Total Hours Per CPD Cycle | Structured CPD(minimum) | Unstructured CPD (minimum) | DCE(minimum) | Registrant’s Choice |
CPD Cycle 1 | 12 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
CPD Cycle 2 | 18 | 9 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
CPD Cycle 3+ | 24 | 12 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
2.1.3 The Registration Panel may in the future alter the system of categories, hours, and/or proportions of CPD required of registrants.
2.2 Requirements for ISL / English Interpreters (Deaf)
2.2.1 Within each CPD Cycle, Deaf Interpreter registrants must complete and evidence CPD across two CPD categories in a particular proportion. This CPD requirement structure differs from that assigned to non-Deaf interpreters (see Section 2.1). This is due to the fact that Deaf interpreters, arising from their role and skill set, can be assumed to already be culturally Deaf, with pre-existing fluency in ISL and deep and intimate knowledge of the Deaf community.
2.2.2 The current system of CPD requirements for Deaf interpreter registrants and minimum proportions of CPD in each category are given below. The third category labelled ‘Registrant’s Choice’ indicates that once minimum requirements are met in the other two categories, registrants are free to select which category of CPD they wish to meet their requirements for the remainder of their yearly CPD.
Structured CPD, minimum | Half |
Unstructured CPD, minimum | One- quarter |
Registrant’s Choice (any of the above) | One- quarter |
2.2.3 CPD requirements will increase for Deaf interpreter registrants on a phased basis for the first three years of their registration. The total number of CPD Hours will increase as the registrant completes ‘CPD Cycles’ (i.e. a year from the date of their registration). The total amount of hours of CPD that must be carried out by registrants is given below. The minimum hours for CPD types are indicated alongside the totals.
Phasing | Total Hours Per CPD Cycle | Structured CPD(minimum | Unstructured CPD (minimum) | Optional |
CPD Cycle 1 | 12 | 6 | 3 | 3 |
CPD Cycle 2 | 18 | 9 | 4½ | 4½ |
CPD Cycle 3+ | 24 | 12 | 4 | 4 |
2.2.4 The Registration Panel may in the future alter the categories, hours and/or proportions of CPD required of Deaf Interpreter registrants.
2.3 Requirements for Specialisation Panel members
2.3.1 Within each CPD Cycle, registrants who are members of a Specialisation Panel must complete and evidence a proportion of their CPD specific to each of their specialisation(s) (e.g. RH – Healthcare interpreting, RL – Legal interpreting – but not RD, Deaf Interpreting[2]). This proportion of overall CPD for the CPD Cycle is incorporated into the yearly CPD requirements of RISLI, and is not additional to it. One-sixth of a specialised registrant’s CPD must be directly relevant to their specialisation. This CPD can be either Structured or Unstructured CPD, but not Deaf Community Engagement.
CPD (Structured or Unstructured) relevant to each specialisation, minimum | One-sixth |
CPD (all categories) not relevant to specialisation | [Remainder] |
2.3.2 Specialised CPD requirements will increase for registrants on a phased basis for the first three years of their registration. The total number of hours will increase as the registrant holds their registration and completes ‘CPD Cycles’ (i.e. a year from the date of their registration). The total amount of hours of Specialised CPD that must be carried out by registrants is given below. The minimum hours for CPD types are indicated alongside the totals.
Phasing | Total Hours Per CPD Cycle | Specialised CPD, Structured or Unstructured (minimum) |
CPD Cycle 1 | 12 | 2 |
CPD Cycle 2 | 18 | 3 |
CPD Cycle 3+ | 24 | 4 |
2.3.3 The Registration Panel may in the future change the system of hours and/or proportions of Specialised CPD required of registrants who are members of Specialisation Panels.
Section 3: CPD Portfolio and Evidencing of CPD
3.1 The CPD Portfolio is the record of evidence of the CPD registrants have carried out. The CPD Portfolio includes five main components:
a) Personal Learning Plan (PLP): the registrant identifies the learning and development needs they plan to address during the coming CPD cycle, and describes their desired learning outcomes.
b) Evidence of Attendance: For each Structured CPD opportunity, evidence such as attendance certificates, copies of qualifications achieved, signatures on your CPD Log, or other documentary evidence of attendance.
c) Reflective Journal: For each Unstructured CPD opportunity, a piece of reflective writing or ISL Video must be included, providing information on what the registrant learned from the CPD activity and how it contributed to their professional development as an interpreter.
d) DCE Video Diary: For each Deaf Community Engagement activity attended, a short video in ISL with some brief details about the event and what new vocabulary, grammatical or cultural features the registrant learned or reflected on from it.
e) CPD Log: A note of what CPD the registrant did, and when, providing the name and a brief description of the CPD activity. Also noted is whether the CPD activity was Structured, Unstructured, or Deaf Community Engagement (DCE), as well as dates, times and duration spent on the activity.
All the above information should be carefully retained by the registrant, in the event they are required for a CPD Check,
Section 4: Information and Resources
4.1 Online CPD Portal
4.1.1 RISLI’s Website will feature a password-protected CPD Portal for registrants. Here, registrants will have the option to upload all elements of their CPD Portfolio.
4.2 CPD Calendar and Database
4.2.1 An online CPD Database will be available on the register website, where CPD resources will be listed.
Section 5: Mentoring Scheme
5.1 The Mentoring Scheme will be developed to support registered Irish Sign Language interpreters to advance within the professional field and enhance skills and knowledge for the development of their career. The Mentoring Scheme is available to all registered interpreters at any time of their career development. An interpreter can require a Mentor at any specific time of their professional career. The Mentoring Scheme will be available for RISLI registered sign language interpreters only. This policy outlines the main features of the Mentoring Scheme and the Training Program.
5.2 RISLI definition of:
Mentoring is to provide developmental support and guidance to registered interpreters at any stage of their professional career who wish to focus on certain aspects of their profession and to further develop skills and knowledge in order to progress within their professional career. Mentoring enable to focus on specific areas at various time of a sign language interpreter’s career.
A Mentor is a registered interpreter trained as a Mentor who is willing to provide guidance and professional support to a less experienced sign language interpreter.
A Mentee is a registered interpreter who requires support and guidance for the development of his/her professional career.
5.3 Who will be trained as Mentors? – As part of the Mentoring Scheme, RISLI will research and offer appropriate training for interpreters who would like to become Mentors. Interpreters would attend training to learn specific Mentoring skills and will have the opportunity to be trained as Mentors. Interpreters attending the Mentoring Training can record the hours as part of their CPD Portfolio. Mentors will have undergone a structured training course in Mentoring organised by RISLI.
Once completed the training, RISLI will update and maintain a list of registered interpreters who have Mentor training on www.risli.ie. (Mentor Directory)
Section 6: CPD Checks Process
6.1 CPD Checks (audits) will be conducted annually.
6.2 Upon establishment of the Register, a figure of approximately 5% of the total number of registered interpreters will be selected each year for a CPD Check.
6.3 Registrant chosen for a CPD Check will be audited on their most recently completed CPD Cycle only. Registrants will not be asked to undergo a CPD Check until they have completed at least one full CPD Cycle (12 months).
6.4 Registrants must comply with any request from the Registration Panel to audit CPD records.
6.5 The registered interpreter will be notified in writing if they have been chosen for a CPD Check.
6.6 Steps may be taken by the Secretariat or Assessor to verify the information provided, such as contacting the CPD provider cited in the evidence submitted.
6.7 The Assessor will complete a CPD Check Report. The CPD Check Report can include:
a) If the information provided by the interpreter is satisfactory or not satisfactory, and give the reasons why.
a) Additional feedback (if necessary),
Section 7: CPD Exemptions Policy
7.1 Registered interpreters may apply to have their CPD requirements reduced or suspended for the current CPD Cycle.
7.2 A request must be submitted to the Registration Panel outlining the reasons why the registrant wants a CPD
exemption and including any supporting evident.
7.3 The Registration Panel will notify the registrant on their decision.
Appendix 1: Personal Learning Plan (PLP) Template
Interpreter Name: | Period From: | ||
Registration No.: | To: |
What do I want to learn or improve over the next 12 months? | What learning activities will I carry out to achieve thisover the next 12 months? |
Any more information? |
Appendix 2: CPD Log Template
Interpreter Name: | Page No. | ||
Registration No.: | Of |
Date & Time | CPD Hours | Title of Activity or Session | Evidenced By(e.g. Signature & Position of Signatory) | ||
Structured | Unstructured | Deaf Community Engagement | |||
Appendix 3: CPD Reflective Journal entry Template
Name: | From: | |||
Registration No.: | To: | |||
Date & Time of event | ||
Duration (hours –please indicate in half-hour increments) | ||
Title of Activity / Session | ||
Structured or Unstructured? | Structured | Unstructured |
Reason for Selection:Why did you decide to do this CPD activity? | ||
Learning Outcome:What did you learn from this CPD activity? | ||
Impact at Work:How did it contribute to your overall professional development?(refer to your Personal Learning Plan if you can) | ||
Other Reflections on the Event (if any): |
Please note: We also accept an ISL Reflective Journal. Please follow the same structure in your ISL entry, being sure to include the sections labelled ‘Reason for Selection’, ‘Learning Outcome’, and ‘Impact at Work’.
Appendix 4: List of Deaf Community Groups and Organisations
· Local Deaf social groups: Dublin Deaf Association, Cork Deaf Club, C3 (Northeast), Drogheda Deaf Society, Dundalk Deaf Group, Kildare Deaf Social, Mid-West Deaf Association, Kerry Deaf Resource Centre, Kerry Deaf Group, Hands that Talk (Dungiven), Wicklow Deaf Society, Wexford Deaf Association, Cork Deaf Women’s Group, Waterford Deaf Centre, Tallaght Deaf Club, Deaf Community Centre (Limerick), Foyle Deaf Association, Meath Deaf Association, and others.
· Deaf interest groups: Deaf Heritage Centre, Irish Deaf Youth Association, National Deaf Women Ireland, Deaf Daffodils, Deaf Ladies Cuppa, Greenbow LGBTQI+, and others.
· Deaf performance groups: Dublin Theatre of the Deaf, Hands in Harmony, Cork Deaf Choir, DeafTones choir, solo Deaf artists and performers, and others
· Children and Family Groups: Sharing the Journey, Cool Youth Club, and others.
· Deaf Sports Associations: Deaf Sports Ireland, Munster Deaf Sports Council, St Vincent’s Deaf Ladies Basketball, Deaf Ladies Futsal, St Vincent’s Deaf Football Club, and others
· Charities and Service Providers: National Chaplaincy for Deaf People, Chime, Irish Deaf Society / Deaforward, Cork Deaf Association, Cork Deaf Enterprises, St Joseph’s Home for Adult Deaf and Deafblind
· Educational Institutions: Centre for Deaf Studies TCD, Dublin City University, Queens University Belfast etc.
There is a wide array of activities, events, performances, ceremonies etc. that can come under the heading of ‘DCE’, as illustrated below.
Category | Examples |
Theatrical / musical performances | · Performance of Dublin Deaf Theatre· Performance of Hands in Harmony |
Religious events | · Deaf Mass in Deaf Village Ireland· Local interpreted Mass at Christmas / Easter |
Deaf community group Social events | · Deaf Sports Ireland dinner dance· Deaf Ladies Cuppa coffee morning· Cork Deaf Club social evening |
Public Deaf-related presentation, lecture or events | · SLIS information event for the Deaf community· CDS lecture on interpreting· Deaf Heritage Centre presentation on Deaf history· Deaforward Roadshow event |
Participation in Deaf leisure or sports events or team training | · Participating in a Deaf ParkRun· Training with St Vincent’s Deaf Football· Accompanying Deaf Ladies Futsal to match as volunteer |
Trip / weekends away or abroad with Deaf group | · Weekend Kildare Deaf Social day out in Mayo· Greenbow weekend in Brighton· Drogheda Deaf Society day out to Newgrange· Midwest Deaf Association trip to Poland |
Volunteering in fundraising or charity events with Deaf group | · Bag packing with Irish Deaf Youth Association· Volunteering for Sharing the Journey family day· Volunteering for IDS Summerfest event |
Social meeting with local Deaf people | · Meet two or more Deaf people for a coffee· Meet group of Deaf people for a pint |
[1] There are subtle differences between these kinds of work: “pro bono services are typically offered as professional services. An individual, business or organization would ordinarily have to pay the donor for this work… Volunteer services come from individuals who would not normally charge for their time and the skills they donate.” See https://www.thebalancecareers.com/are-pro-bono-services-the-same-as-volunteer-services-3515203
[2] While specialist CPD activities may arise relevant to Deaf interpreting (and indeed Deaf interpreters are encouraged to avail of these), any CPD opportunities – regardless of topic – are considered to be sufficient for Deaf interpreters who have been awarded membership of the Deaf Interpreting specialisation panel.