Skills Checks
Section 1: Skills Checks (Baseline) (SC-B)
Section 2: Skills Check (Specialised)
Section 3: Assessors and Teams
Section 4: Assessment Methodology
Section 1: Skills Checks (Baseline) (SC-B)
1.1 The Skills Check (Baseline) is an assessment used to confirm that a candidate possesses basic knowledge, skills, and competencies in interpreting between Irish Sign Language and English.
1.2 Skills Check (Baseline) can be used in relation to the consideration of applications to the register by the Registration Panel, sub-committees or the Appeals Panel, or following a complaints or appeals process.
Section 2: Skills Check (Specialised)
2.1 The Skills Check (Specialised) is an assessment of specialised interpreter knowledge, skills and competencies, tailored to the requirements of a particular domain of specialised interpreting.
2.2 The Skills Check (Specialised) aims to assess whether candidates possess both of the following:
a) An excellent level of knowledge, skills, and competencies in interpreting between Irish Sign Language and English.
b) An appropriate level of knowledge, skills and competencies in the domain of specialisation.
2.3 Skills Checks (Specialised) can be used in relation to an application for membership of a Specialisation Panel
2.4 Skills Checks (Specialised) may include but is not limited to:
a) Skills Check – Legal Interpreting
b) Skills Check – Healthcare Interpreting
Section 3: Assessors and Teams
3.1 A Panel of Assessors are responsible upon direction of the Registration Panel or sub-committees or the Appeals Panel for carrying out Skills Checks. Please see the Panel of Assessors paper for more information.
3.2 It is intended each Skills Check will be carried out by a Skills Check Team of one or two people from among the Panel of Assessors. Where there are insufficient members available or conflicts of interests issues, external persons can be appointed by the Registration Panel.
3.3 The Secretariat will provide administrative support to the Skills Check Team and Panel of Assessors.
Section 4: Assessment Methodology
4.1 The Panel of Assessors may discuss, research, develop and utilise appropriate assessment methodologies, rubrics, and marking criteria in collaboration with the Registration Panel or sub-committees.
4.2 Skills Checks assessments may include:
a) Practical assessment of interpreting, ISL to spoken English
b) Practical assessment of interpreting, spoken English to ISL
c) Practical assessment of sight translation, ISL to written English
d) Practical assessment of sight translation, written English to ISL
e) Practical assessment of skills in interpreting within ISL / between different variants of ISL
f) Written test (Multiple Choice Questions / Sample Scenario-based open question)
g) ‘Role-play’ mock scenarios
h) Other such assessments deemed necessary and appropriate.
Section 5: Reporting
5.1 Skills Checks Teams will complete a Skills Check Report for each completed Skills Check. The Skills Check Report will include a summary of the process, the result (Successful or Unsuccessful) and any feedback or recommendations. This will be sent to the candidate and the Registration Panel or sub-committees or the Appeals Panel. The Registration Panel, sub-committees or Appeals Panel may seek further information or clarification from the assessor upon receipt of the Skills Check Report.
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CORU. September 2018. CPD Portfolio Template. Dublin. CORU
Department of Justice and Equality (DJE). July 2017. National Disability and Inclusion Strategy (NDIS) 2017 – 2021. Dublin: DJE
Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL). 2016. Sign Language Framework. Northern Ireland: DCAL.
European Commission. Better regulation: why and how. EU. (Accessed: 4 September 2017)
Irish Deaf Society (IDS). 2019. Irish Sign Language. (Accessed 22.03.2019)
Irish Sign Language Act 2017
Joint Committee on Justice and Equality. October 2016. Report on the Formal Recognition of Irish Sign Language. Oireactas. 2016.
KPMG. 2016. Unleashing value: rethinking regulation in the human services sector. KPMG.
Leeson, L. and Venturi, L. 2006. A Review of Literature and International Practice on National and Voluntary Registers for Sign Language Interpreters. Dublin: SLIS
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OECD. 2012. Recommendation of the council on regulatory policy and governance. Paris: OECD
Professional Standards Authority. 2016. Regulation Rethought. Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. UK
Professional Standards Authority. 2015. Rethinking regulation. Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. UKá
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Regulations of Stichting Register Interpreting Sign Language and Writing Interpreters
(Stichting RTGS). 2018. The Netherlands: Stichting RTGS
Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS). About the Deaf Community – Definitions & Terminology. and-terminology (Accessed 22.03.2019)
SLIS. 2018. Consultation Paper, Development of a National Voluntary Register of sign language interpreters. Dublin: SLIS
SLIS. 2015. Professional Code of Conduct. Dublin: SLIS
Cruinn Associates. 2019. Strategic Framework to Increase the Availability and Quality of Sign Language Interpreting in Ireland. Dublin: SLIS (unpublished)
The Teaching Council. Registration Review Process. Ireland: The Teaching Council
United Nations. 2006. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Geneva: